Tuesday, 19 May 2009

Give me your blood.....hahahaha

Today was the day I had been expecting it for a month and it slowly came around, it was something I had not done in 16 years due to mixed up genetic parents passing down their tainted genes to me, it was time to donate blood again!

The reason I have not been is because I have high blood pressure that involves taking tablets everyday for the rest of my life, it's not to bad two a day in the long run if it gives me a good innings at the end of the day. I called the donor blood sucking vampire people up on the off chance that I could start donating again and it seems that they have just recently relaxed the rules and I would be able to donate again with the medication that I am on, or in other words they are desperate for donors as they are so short of blood in their stock levels. I don't have a problem going as needles or the sight of blood never bother me.

The amount of questions and forms I had to fill in before hand to check everything was alright to give, and then the various checks and then the nurse had to get the sister to check everything out because of the tablets I take and then I had to drink a pint of water before hand as well and after all that they stabbed me with a giant needle and took some of the good stuff to go and make other people as grumpy as I am, my mission and good deed is complete.


  1. Well done. Husband gives blood regularly, but I can't as I have the opposite problem to you - low blood pressure. This means that I keel over after they've taken 1/4 pt. They told me not to come again!

  2. You did a good thing, Mr Stu. Thank you!

  3. Our lot here are still incredibly fussy so I guess that must mean that enough people are donating. Because I lived in the UK for a couple of years during the Mad Cow period, I am not allowed to donate until they can firmly disestablish any link between Mad Cow and CJD, which may never happen. Doesn't even seem to matter that I was completely vegetarian (almost vegan even) in those days and never went near a chunk of mad cow. I guess I shouldn't criticise that they're careful - better that than the other extreme.

  4. See how becoming Toby's companion has made you a more generous man?

    *runs and hides*

  5. Possibly now they can filter out those meds from the blood, where they couldn't before.

    Good for you, Stu. Well done.

    Sometime, somewhere, there'll be a part of you in someone else. God help them.

    *also hiding*

  6. Can't remember why they didn't want my blood. But they didn't! & there are forms for bloody everything these days

  7. On ya Mr Stu!

    Just got the call from the Red Cross last night. I registered to donate right after the bushfires as I was a lapsed donor. They obviously had such a large response that they haven't been able to fit me in until now.

  8. Don't think I have real blood anymore, too many chemicals keeping me upright. But I used to give regularly. Keep up the good work Mr Stu.

  9. Nice one Mr Stu - hope all went well.

  10. Good job Stu. I have the same condition...taking the pills also, and never thought I could donate blood. You are inspiring. Need to get off my arse and wander on down there.
