Monday, 23 March 2009

Weekend mutterings

Another quiet weekend has come and gone nothing much to report on the home front over here. Little H has finally grown out of his cot and we finally got him a "BIG BED" as he has been going around telling everybody. It was time we upgraded from his cot as he is eighteen now and his legs were sticking out of the end!....only kidding he was two, but saying that even two was old but he fitted in it and couldn't escape in the mornings so he stayed in there. He was so excited when it came and couldn't understand how come he had to wait a day from Friday until Saturday until I built it as he wanted it "NOW"!. It is a raised bed just so we can store some toys under it for him and he can use it as a den as well, although his sister seems to of taken command of it now and sees it as hers.

We have just had mothering Sunday, over here and Saturday was spent running around getting last minute gifts, cards and flowers, I took it out of their pocket money as the gifts were or their mother! Then Sunday it was out for a nice pub lunch, where I got to eat meat which is a real luxury for me these days, it was a beautiful Sunday roast with all the trimmings. Living with a vegetarian and cooking the meals i usually can't be bothered cooking two different meals so I put up with the same to stop the hassle, the food is getting better now and actually tastes quite good when you cover it in a sauce of some kind as when I started eating veggie some of the things tasted quite bland and cardboard tasted nicer!


  1. We have mother's day coming up here, and I am at a loss, I got a tiara last year. Really, where do you go after a tiara? Maybe another one? :)
    Note: My family tend to not take a lot of things seriously.

  2. Well there you go, I learn't something. It IS possible to live with a vegetarian. I had always assumed that was impossible;-)

  3. I lived with a vegetarian for 11 years. I didn't give up meat totally...occasionally I would grill myself a nice bloody, juicy steak, which of course I would catch hell about...but, oh was it ferking good. I will admit her spinach salads were tops...especially with a nice filet.

  4. de - A tiara where on earth did that idea come from, your not descended from the Royal family are you?

    Naut - I never said it's possible but I am to lazy to cook both, except when doing a BBQ and then I enjoy my real meat burgers

    Jadedj - when we have a difference of opinion I will go out and buy bacon while she is out and cook it so the house smells of it as that really poses her off!

  5. I want a weekend away for my Mother's Day present!!!!

  6. It could be time to trade Mrs Stu in for a younger meat eating version - just putting the option out there!!!

  7. doanli - do you reckon you will get one though?

    LERM - you are beginning to corrupt my mind!

  8. I'm pretty sure I couldn't give up meat. Good for you!

  9. Two!
    i remember when he was born!
    Time flies when your having fun!

  10. bk - ow hold your horses, there or eat them, I do eat meat but only on sandwiches at work these days and as i said bacon to piss off the wife!

    mick - time is flying by way to quickly when times are good and bad, so we have to make more time for the good ones.
